José Morera S.L.

Agricultural amendments

HumeSint Forte. Liquid humic amendment

Liquid humic amendment for soil fertilization, providing the best physical and chemical characteristics for soil structure. The basis of all good cultivation. The consequence of using HumeSint, from organic matter, is a significant increase in production.

Humic organic amendment

With no doubt, HumeSint is one of the star soil improvers as it promotes microbial activity; a liquid organic amendment that keeps the soil loose and well ventilated. That is, the ideal conditions for water retention. Directly, the effect produced is that of better absorption and assimilation of minerals for correct rooting. Take a look at this and other organic fertilizers.


Provides the soil with humic and fulvic acids (from Leonardite) necessary for the formation of the humic-clay complex, improving the physical and chemical qualities of over-exploited soils or those poor in organic matter.

Composition: Total humic extract: 15.2% (Humic acids 11% + Fulvic acids 4.2%). Soluble liquid (SL).

Dose: localized irrigation: in transplant: 6 L/Ha; Throughout the crop cycle: 10 – 30 L/Ha divided into 2 or 3 applications.

enmienda gota
5L y 20L